Where action is learning
We are passionate about First Aid and we strive to pass on our enthusiasm to our clients through our many years of experience. With Steve & Helen Howe First Aid you will get experienced & enthusiastic instructors and trainers who want the best for you and can tailor courses to suit your needs and experience. All our courses are designed to be practical, interactive, fun and realistic as we believe action is learning.
All the first aid courses are run under the Rescue Emergency Care (REC) system. REC was the first First Aid organisation to gear First Aid to an outdoor setting. REC has been providing HSE First Aid for over thirty years. The REC mission statement: Rescue Emergency Care strives to provide candidates with a unique learning experience that is completely relevant to their needs, with specific environmental and work place considerations. All courses are run on a practical and scenario based approach making them relevant and useful. The courses are progressive allowing people to build on experience.
Now that HSE no longer oversee First Aid courses, REC strives to maintain its Quality Assurance through moderation, CPD and review. REC ensures that it can guarantee due diligence of its providers for employers. Follow this link to see how REC ensures quality assurance www.recfirstaid.net. Snowdonia First Aid makes sure that it meets all these requirements.
Snowdonia First Aid also runs bespoke courses including the 3 day First Aid at Work. Contact us to discuss your requirements.
Whats been happening?
Our Mountain Training Courses AND Mountain days can now be found at: